Critiquing futuring and foresight: How to move from the center to the margins

Quincey Stumptner, Feven Michael Keleta

In this workshop, we want to apply intersectional and decolonial thinking to futures practice and explore what it means to critically approach the development of futures from both perspectives. 
Hands On

Intersectional and decolonial approaches examine how different kinds of discrimination intersect and affect people's lives. Both highlight and explore how markers such as race, class, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation shape the experiences of marginalized people. In this workshop, we want to apply intersectional and decolonial thinking to futures practice and explore what it means to critically approach the development of futures from both perspectives. 


This photo shows Quincey Stumptner in a portrait, a young man with black rimmed glasses and dark hair.
Foresight Policy Lead
The image depicts Feven M. Keleta of SUPERRR Lab, in front of a brick building and fence. She is leaning against the fence and smiling towards the camera, wearing a black jacket, pants and shirt.
Communications Lead