Interventions for Economic Trauma

Miho Soon

Money and economics are consistently treated as rational matters, despite the fact that they are fundamentally connected to survival, belonging and identity. What is economic trauma, and how does it show up in ourselves and our culture? What are the dangers of excluding it from economics, and how can we respond to differently?
Hands On

Our present day discourse of trauma is commonly associated with significant events like war and violence - but there is a missing conversation about how living in other kinds of societal precariousness (under capitalism) affects our behaviors, attitudes and beliefs - our relationship with money, and our place in the economy. Trauma isn’t just a personal matter, it’s systemic.

In this participatory lecture, I’ll be sharing my ongoing research that I've conducted with financial psychologists, solidarity economics activists and technologists on economic stress and trauma. I will show you how it concretely impacts our beliefs and behavior, how it shows up in new and existing economic systems - and open the space for a participatory discussion for how new economics communities could design financial instruments & community approaches with trauma-informed principles.

Picture of Miho Soon
Trauma-Informed Designer & Researcher