Barbara Schack

Barbara's mugshot, in a black coat and black hat!
Foto/Bild Credit

Barbara is a Swiss knife at the Internet of Production Alliance and other change-making endeavours.
She is attending re:publica as Coordinator of the Internet of Production Alliance, a network that brings together people from around the world to build open infrastructures enabling anyone, everywhere to participate in production.
With previous experience in profit, non-profit, and international organizations, she strives to identify cross-cutting and creative approaches to interesting challenges. She is passionate about some of the niches in the "change-making" field, such as Decentralised manufacturing, Education in Emergencies, Technology for Development, and community empowerment. She work with start-ups & SMEs on their strategy, growth, and internal learning. She has led start-up NGOs' strategic development and international growth, and the global or local coordination of innovation programs. This includes a long stint at Libraries Without Borders looking at access to information, particularly in offline settings. 
She is also a parent, activist and on-and-off musician.