Art & Culture

Kunst & Kultur, Art & Culture

Immersive, interactive and creative: Let's dive into the interplay of technology with art and culture. Bits and bytes are constantly expanding the possibilities of expression, while the rapid development of AI is turning many former cornerstones of art and creativity upside down.

What challenges does digitalisation present for creatives in art and design? What new opportunities do text, image, and sound generators offer, and what problems do they bring along? From the metaverse and memes to museums, TikTok and touchscreens to theatres, Discord to data visualisation: we want to explore how digital advancements are transforming internet culture, studios, cultural industries and institutions.

We also want to know: How can art and culture contribute to contemporary discourses? How can creatives and activists change our world (or at least our view of it) by generating new perceptions, experiences, and encounters? What are these so-called new realities? And: who cares in the field of art and culture?

Berlin SCHOOL OF VR - Eine überraschend analoge Schule für das Erlernen und Erleben von Virtueller Realität

Katharina Haverich, Konstantin Bez, Eric Nikodym, Wiebke Wesselmann, Jakob Groß, Manuel Ruge

Who cares about virtuelle Medienkompetenz? Die Berlin SCHOOL OF VR fordert nicht weniger als die ALLGEMEINE VIRTUELLE SCHULPFLICHT, um Menschen auf die Herausforderungen und Potentiale existierender und zukünftiger Metaversen vorzubereiten.
Wer besteht den VR-Kompetenz-Test? Und wer muss nachsitzen?
Off Stage Stands - Montag
Off Stage

Fãl Project - None AI

mohsen Hazrati

Seit 2017 widme ich mich dem Fal-Projekt, bei dem KI eingesetzt wird, um eine alte iranische Wahrsagemethode mit Hafiz-Gedichten wiederzubeleben. Für die Installation habe ich einen kinetischen Wasserteich und ein AR-Tablet gebaut, das mit der KI-Datenbank für Weissagungen und ChatGPT verbunden ist.
at Stage 3
Mixed Reality
Off Stage

Chapbooks against the Machine >> On spot co-created zines

Enric Senabre Hidalgo, Ricard Espelt

Recovering a DIY format of knowledge dissemination as old as Gutenberg's press, mobile print-station [travelling Barcelona > re:publica] WANTS YOU to coproduce on-spot chapbooks from conversations, ink & collage ;) Pop-up copyleft care & mail art <VS> CheatGTP & zombie-creativity, babe
at Home Base
Special format
Off Stage


allapopp, Lisa Kaschubat, Carolina Ovando, Valentin Oellers

ɧყ℘ɛཞƖơ۷ɛ - a spatial XR installation and performance, a speculative vision of co-dependency between humans and their emotional digital clones, born out of humanity's increasing reliance on AI's algorithmic interpretations of emotions. Experience is available for IOS devices as a dedicated app.
Between Stage 2 & 3
Mixed Reality
Off Stage

Mothers*, Warriors, and Poets: Art and Care-Work Can Go Together

Mothers*, Warriors, and Poets Mothers*, Warriors, and Poets, Marie Lienhard, Anna Gohmert, Sascia Bailer

The artistic-activist platform „Mothers*, Warriors, and Poets“ counters patriarchal-capitalist norms by providing collective support structures for caregivers in the arts. Their re:publica exhibition explores care, societal expectations, and interdependence through video works & a conference.
Gather Kino
Special format
Off Stage


Patricia Cammarata

Du bringst deinen physischen Körper in die Kohlenstoffwelt, um dich mit anderen auszutauschen? Sehr gut! Mit re:connect bekommst Du einen Eisbrecher, um mit anderen ins Gespräch zu kommen. Entdecke, was Euch verbindet. Mit Button und Zettel in der Tasche findest Du Dein Gegenüber.
Special format
Off Stage

Xingu Entangled

Fidel Thomet, Nadia Zeissig

The indigenous communities of the Upper Xingu recognise objects, places, events, organisms, and spiritual actors as intertwined entities that form entangled lifeworlds. How can we overcome artefact-centric museal practices and disciplinary boundaries to adequately represent indigenous perspectives?
Between Stage 2 & 3
Off Stage

Speak loud be hurt

Aaron Rahe

Gutes Gefühl gefällig? Steig auf due Applauskiste. Sie klatscht für alles was man sagt.

Der erste Gedanke war es, das gute Gefühl zu verbreiten das Applaus einem gibt. Dann fiel mir die Ähnlichkeit auf zum Internet, seinen Foren umd Podien in denen jeder Mist beklatscht wird.
Bei Bühne 11
Off Stage