IoT auf dem Acker / Smart Agriculture Workshop / Crops not Cash

Daniel Wessolek, Sara Reichert, Alexander Kutschera

In this workshop, you will receive an overview of the latest trends and technologies in the field of smart agriculture, as well as open seed initiatives. Through hands-on activities and demonstrations, you will gain practical experience in the use of these technologies.
Hands On

In this hands-on workshop, you will receive a selected overview of the latest trends and technologies in the field of smart agriculture. The workshop will focus on topics such as different types of sensors, live plant health analysis, and electrical stimulation. As participant, you will be able to gain practical experience in the use of related technologies through hands-on activities and demonstrations. This will happen by learning the basics of sensor data analysis on a microcontroller - aka edge computing. The workshop will be conducted by experts in the field of smart agriculture, and you will be given the opportunity to ask questions and gain further insight into the technology. In addition, the workshop will cover open seed initiatives, which aim to make crop seeds and varieties freely available to farmers. At the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding how smart agriculture can help to improve plant health, and lower the use of pesticides and fertilizers. A perfect way to get your hands dirty and get started with this technology.

Sara is doing her Ph.D. at TU Berlin in electrical engineering and is interested in detecting forest fires, Alex combined plant biology and microbiology in his Ph.D. research, and Daniel is working at HTW Berlin on a project called EdgeAgriCulture.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Fachgebiet Nachrichtenübertragung