re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025

Andrés Arauz ran for president of Ecuador in 2021 and came in second place after his opponent, conservative banker Guillermo Lasso. He has a long domestic and international policy experience and was the Minister of Knowledge, the Central Bank's General Director, and the Deputy Minister of Planning of “Buen Vivir”, a central constitutional goal of Ecuador. It includes, for example, the right to food, health, education and water and defines nature as a subject with rights. During his tenure, he led the world's first mobile-based central bank digital currency. He is a Senior Research Fellow at Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington and researches public economics, finance and technology and advocates strongly for Latin American unity.
3 Questions for… Andrés Arauz
We are pleased to discuss the topic of cryptocurrency with Andrés Arauz at re:publica 22 and have asked him three questions in advance.
What topic will you be talking about at #rp22?
„Baroque innovation: cryptocurrency policy in Latin America“
What have you missed out on in the past two years and think is in urgent need of a reboot?
We need to restart the metrics, do away with monetary measurements and move on to good life metrics, money should be a universal tool at the service of human life, our commons and creativity.
The motto of #rp22 refers to the last line of the Queen song "Bohemian Rhapsody". Which song do you think should definitely be included in a karaoke session at #rp22 and why?
"This is not America" by Residente, because it is a contemporary carefully crafted semiotic collective expression in Latin America of a condensed lesson in history.