Mary Mbole-Kariuki

Project Co-ordinator African Union One Health Data Alliance Africa (AU-OHDAA), Technology, Innovations and Skill Development Expert
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Dr. Mary Mbole-Kariuki is currently the Technology, Innovations and Skills Development Expert at the African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR). In Addition, she is the project coordinator of the African Union - One Health Data Alliance Africa (AU-OHDAA) – a BMZ- funded project that aims to improve One Health governance and management through digitalization of data and data outputs. She holds a a Ph.D in Genomics from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, PGDip in quantitative genetics and genomics from University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom and M.Phil in Genetics, University of Ghana, Ghana.  She is currently providing strategic leadership and direction geared at transforming the livestock sector through the use of smart, inclusive and data driven solutions. These include scaling up the development and uptake of inclusive innovations and technologies especially animal biotechnologies, digital applications and data platforms that will catalyze the transformation of food systems and vulnerable communities. Dr. Mary Mbole-Kariuki has spearheaded various firsts in the continent including; the harmonized digital Animal Genetics characterization and monitoring tool (AnGR-CIM); the Regional Mobile Assisted reproductive technology center; Regional Technology, Innovation and Incubation hubs (A-TicHubs); Animal Genetic Resources Information System (AAGRIS); African Union Animal resources Seed Centers of Excellence amongst others.   She has also been instrumental in the formulation and domestication of apt continental and regional policies, frameworks and regulations that support inclusivity and efficiency. Recently, she spearheaded the endorsement of the African Union One Health Information Policy and Information Architecture framework by the African Union Heads of State. The policy will be used as the blue print by African Member states to improve data sharing, integration and analytics in the One Health Domain. Her vision is to ensure that Africa drives knowledge -based economies through using digitalization, technologies, innovations and data science.