re:publicast episode 3: Digital utopias and net politics

11.09.2024 - Markus Beckedahl as guest on the re:publica podcast.
Markus Beckedahl bei der Aufnahme im Podcast-Booth auf der re:publica 23
Photo Credit
Jan Zappner/re:publica

How should we actually imagine the digital future? We dare to try with re:publica co-founder Markus Beckedahl: dreaming of digital utopias and an internet that is based on open source, fair cooperation and designed with users in mind. Talking about digital utopias automatically means talking about net politics. What developments make Markus Beckedahl optimistic? And where has he been wrong in 17 years of re:publica?

Find out in this episode – out now here and everywhere where podcasts are available.

THANKS to Studio ZX – the official podcast partner of re:publica!