re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025

Anne Will is a political journalist and podcaster. She hosted the most important political talk show on German television for 16 years. But in 2024, she swapped the big TV studio for the quiet podcast studio. She immediately learnt to love the advantages this offers for political journalism: more discussion time, more peace and quiet, more in-depth coverage. Every week there is ‘Politik mit Anne Will’, always on Thursdays and Saturdays. This podcast is all about in-depth political analyses of power and interviews with those who have (formative) power. A format that takes journalism seriously and where you can really understand what is happening in politics.
Ulf Buermeyer is probably best known for Germany’s most popular weekly political podcast, "Lage der Nation", which he co-hosts with Philip Banse. He is co-founder & board member of Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (Freedom Rights Society, GFF), a non-profit and non-governmental organization that protects human and civil rights by means of impact litigation. Ulf worked at various courts, including the German Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe and Berlin's Superior Court, before ultimately quitting his life tenure position on the bench to work as a journalist. Other than in legal issues Ulf is deeply interested in computer science. He's been writing software since he got a C64 for his 10th birthday – for example, the OpenStreets app.
MODERATION: Anna Dushime is an author, moderator and creative director for the award-winning satire format ‘Browser Ballett’, among others. As a columnist, she regularly wrote about dating, racism and everything in between for taz from 2019 to 2022. Her show ‘Der letzte Drink mit Anna Dushime’ won the Grimme Prize in the entertainment category in 2024. She regularly hosts the discussion series ‘Streit und Zuversicht’ initiated by the Zeit Stiftung and Holtzbrinck Berlin, the Browser Ballett Heimatquiz on ZDF and the Ärzte-ohne-Grenzen podcast ‘Notaufnahme’. Her first book will be published by KiWi Verlag in 2025.
The motto of re:publica 25 is ‘Generation XYZ’. What is your message for future generations with regard to the digital society?
Anne Will: “‘Stay true to yourself and your principles, no matter what platform you are on: respect, appreciative interactions and the necessary dose of humour will help you surf through life in a more compatible way, even online.”