re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025

Adriana Cabrera is a project manager by CSCP and a guest researcher for FabLab Kamp-Lintfort, Germany, at the Hochschule Rhine–Waal. She is a Co-founder of FabCare and an active member of the Fab community. Adriana is a global lecturer in the soft robotics field in the Fabricademy, part of the Academany programs offered by the FabFoundation.
Originally from Colombia, she works in different areas of design & tangible interaction. Having a background in Industrial Design, she complemented her studies in MFA Media Art and Design at Bauhaus University Weimar and later MA Surface and Textile Design at the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin, focusing on material research. She is implementing sustainable experimentation by exploring new bio-inspired designs. She has also participated in the exploration of prototyping in isolated environments with the MIT Design and Computation Group during the opening of FabLab Austral in the Chilean South Antarctic. She has recently been invited as a speaker in engaging events such as WestVisions in Germany, Mode Fabriek in the Netherlands. Besides, she has presented her works in international exhibitions such as Maker Faire in New York.