Noah Schöppl

Social Innovator and Policy Advisor
Samuel Groesch
Photo credit / Image credit
Samuel Groesch

Noah is a pragmatic idealist. He works on Public Civic Innovation at the non-profit ProjectTogether in Berlin. At ProjectTogether, he previously led UNMUTE NOW, an open social innovation program for promoting the democratic rights of the young generation and systematically underrepresented and excluded groups. Noah also is an AI governance researcher and policy advisor at the ALLAI Foundation in Amsterdam. ALLAI is an independent organization dedicated to drive and foster Responsible AI. In this capacity he has provided policy advise to the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee, as well as the Council of Europe. This year, Noah is a Landecker Fellow for Digital Democracy at Humanity in Action. As a fellow, Noah organises Tech Policy Roundtables in which he facilitates meaningful conversations between unheard voices and policy makers. Previously, Noah was a policy researcher at the German Bundestag in Berlin, the Digital Ethics Lab in Oxford and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He holds a MSc in Social Science of the Internet from the University of Oxford and a BSc in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics from the University of Amsterdam. Besides technology and climate policy, he is passionate about hiking, empathic commmunication and systemic change.