European Digital Identity Wallets - Perspectives on the Architecture & Consultation Process

Moritz Heuberger, Kristina Yasuda

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An insight into the status of the Architecture & Consultation Process for EUDI wallets will be presented, along with the concept and initial results of the innovation challenge of the Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SPRIND) for the development of EUDI wallet prototypes in Germany.
Lightning Talk

This Lightning Talk provides an insight into the current state of the Architecture & Consultation Process initiated by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) for a prototype eIDAS infrastructure in Germany. The BMI will provide a brief overview of the results and insights gained so far in the process, particularly regarding iterations of the architecture proposal that have been published and the various consultation formats that involve the public. In addition, an outlook on the next steps and the further course of work will be given, which is expected to result in a complete architecture concept for EUDI wallets in Germany.

The Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SPRIND) will present a key component of this process: the 'EUDI Wallet Prototypes' innovation challenge. The concept, objectives and initial results of this challenge will be presented, and specific requirements for wallet prototypes will be discussed.