Matthias Böck

Data Scientist
A profile photo from Matthias Boeck in black and white.
Photo credit / Image credit
Photo taken at work for FELD M

Dr. Matthias Böck completed his PhD in bioinformatics and machine learning at the Technical University of Munich and has been working as a data scientist in the data product team at the Munich-based consultancy FELD M since 2013. He is the technical manager for projects in the areas of advanced analytics and machine learning. This includes consulting and implementation of data products as well as the development of the underlying data architectures and strategies. He holds design thinking workshops, is author of books on the topic of agile and AI and works with universities on research projects. In addition to these fields, he is also involved in the topic of data for good and its use in practice.


Träumen Androiden von programmierenden Frauen? – Was Feminist*innen über KI wissen müssen

Ramona Greiner, Matthias Böck

Wie haben Frauen die KI-Historie geprägt? Welche Frauen bestimmen den Diskurs heute? Wie werden FLINTAs von KI diskriminiert und welche neuen Formen von Sexismus entstehen durch KI? Für eine gleichberechtigte KI-Zukunft müssen wir den Status quo aus techno-feministischer Perspektive verstehen.
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