re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025

Ugo Vallauri is Co-founder and Co-Director of The Restart Project, a London-based charity fixing our relationship with electronics. He has over a decade experience in encouraging people to repair their electronics and collecting and sharing data from community repair initiatives globally on recurrent barriers to repair. Through his work at Restart, he pushes for legislation for a universal Right to repair and is a co-founder of the European Right to Repair Campaign, involved in its day-to-day steering. is a coalition pushing for legislation at national and European level requiring manufacturers of all electrical and electronic products to design for repairability, while providing access to all independent repairers and the general public to repair manuals, affordable spare parts and long-term software and security updates. Ugo is a Fellow of the Ashoka Foundation. Prior to his work on planned obsolescence, Ugo researched community approaches to the use of information and communication technologies in Kenya and across sub-saharan Africa. He has also worked for the Slow Food movement, for Computer Aid International and for the United Nations.