Data Against Disasters: How Big Data and AI can protect us from future health crises

Anna Sophie Herken, Mary Mbole-Kariuki, Nina Bekele, Christine Mhundwa

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From the prevention of pandemics to the prediction of health risks - the use of data and AI brings unimagined opportunities. While chances and risks are limitless, global challenges must be viewed globally: who cares that Data is accessible and AI used fairly, especially in African countries?

In a world increasingly characterised by global challenges such as pandemics and climate change, the intelligent use of data to safeguard health worldwide is essential – not only for global health: the United Nations estimate that data and digital technologies play a crucial role in achieving at least 70% of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From AI-based approaches to the use of big data, innovative technologies are transforming our ability to prepare for challenges on a global scale. But Who Cares for advancing the global connectivity of data and how can we ensure that the digital transformation is fair in addressing global health challenges, especially with regard to African countries? The panel discussion will unite the perspectives of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the African Union and Google to discuss the key question: How can we harness data and digital technologies more effectively to mitigate health threats and prevent future pandemics?

Portraitfoto von Mary Mbole-Kariuki
Project Co-ordinator African Union One Health Data Alliance Africa (AU-OHDAA), Technology, Innovations and Skill Development Expert
Nina Bekele sitzt an einem Konferenztisch vor einem Tablet
Product Partnerships Manager for Social Impact
Portrait Christine Mhundwa
Journalist, Host, Moderator