Fight for the Net Play Sessions

Elena Falomo

Location: rp Home Base

Fight for the Net is a card game that wants to spark a conversation around the strategies to counteract the spread of misinformation and disinformation online. We invite the festival's public to join us to play the game and discuss the current state of public discourse online.
Let’s fight for the net!
Off Stage

Fight for the Net is an educational card game to learn more about algorithmic governance and policy making for healthier information systems.  It was co-developed by the designer Elena Falomo and the lawyer and scholar Matthias Ketteman, as part of a collaboration within the “Generation A = Algorithm” project by the Goethe Institute. 


During this open session we’ll play the game with festival goers. Different tables of up to 8 participants at a time can be set up and cards are available in both German and English.  We’ll document the discussions spontaneously happening at the tables and gather player’s impressions.  Anyone interested in learning about and discussing counter-strategies to disinformation and misinformation, the betterment of online public discourse and network policies is welcomed to join in!