From Pessimism to Promise: Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech

Payal Arora

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We need to reimagine the future with AI which can infuse us with hope. It is not naïve to be optimistic about our digital future. It is our moral imperative.

Mainstream media declares the end is near when it comes to the future of AI. AI will destroy democracy, creativity, and our social relationships. While legitimate concerns drive these fears, we need to equally account for young people’s digital aspirations and cultures to ensure we do not inadvertently destroy what they value the most - rare spaces for self-actualization. Anyone who has ventured outside the West, where the majority of the world’s youth reside, will feel the contagion of optimism towards all things digital. These Gen Z are full of hope for new tech, especially in marginalised contexts. 

Payal Arora explains why the West is suffering from pessimism paralysis—a fatalistic view towards AI innovations —that can derail the drive to change the status quo. Negativity does not inspire change. Pessimism is for those who are privileged and can afford to live with despair. We need to reimagine the future with AI which can infuse us with hope. It is not naïve to be optimistic about our digital future. It is our moral imperative to design with hope.

Payal Arora
Professor of Inclusive AI Cultures