Lee Greene

Lee Greene Portrait
Foto/Bild Credit
Food Horizons/ M. Lee Greene

Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow -- Serial Entrepreneur driven by making the world a healthier and more sustainable place. Accelerating ideas that shape the future of food in a new food economy that is de-carbonized, biodivers, healthy, fair and in which hunger is eliminated. She does this through own projects, by supporting start-ups or consulting for established businesses. Currently building Foodhub NRW as an ecosystem along the food value cycle from seed to bin. This open innovation platform brings together corporations, start-ups, investors and institutions to shape the future of the ag & food industries.

Lee knows the industry inside out, from corporate gigs for Fortune 500 retailers, to getting her hands dirty managing a biodynamic vineyard in Tuscany, cooking hot sauce in 1,000 gallon kettles for her food start-up in the US or developing chatbot based behavioral change healthy eating programs. Co-host of food podcast Völlerei & Leberschmerz, Lee often speaks about the future of food as keynote speaker, panelists or moderator.  She is convinced that her father gave her the entrepreneurial bug when he insisted she should earn her pocket money at the age of 5 by selling homemade lemonade. On a street corner in Düsseldorf, Germany!



CHANGE! Wie unser Essen sich verändert – Völlerei & Leberschmerz live on stage

Lee Greene, Carmen Hillebrand, Thomas Knüwer , Oliver Riek, Anja Vogel, Sophie Lehmann Thomas Imbusch, Vanessa Janas

In der Welt des Essens spiegeln sich die Krisen unserer Zeit wie nirgends sonst. Umwelt, Ethik, Sexismus, Gesundheit – all diese Themen finden sich hier wieder. Was muss sich ändern? Das analysiert das Podcast-Team von Völlerei & Leberschmerz in Kurzinterviews mit spannenden Experten aus den Bereichen Food-Produktion und Gastronomie.
This is FUN