re:publica 25
26.-28. Mai 2025
I am Felipe Schmidt Fonseca, an experienced Berlin-based Brazilian advocate for social-environmental innovation and free/open-source technologies turned researcher. I am a co-founder and articulator of the Tropixel network and a member of GIG and Circular Berlin. Between 2019 and 2022 I was a Marie Curie Early Stage Research Fellow (University of Dundee / Northumbria University / Mozilla Foundation). I have recently engaged in collaborations such as ID21,, Semente and CODE.
In the last twenty+ years, I was a co-founder and leader of diverse initiatives dedicated to critical thinking (and making) at the intersections between culture, science, technology and society. Some examples are MetaReciclagem, CulturaDigital.BR, Bricolabs, Rede//Labs, Lixo Eletrônico, Ciência Aberta Ubatuba, UbaLab. I was the user community manager of the Subutai Platform and occasional lecturer/panelist/workshop facilitator/teacher/instructor/ on diverse topics.
I have recently completed my PhD at Northumbria University (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK). The title of my thesis successfully defended in September 2023 is "Generous cities – weaving commons-oriented systems for the reuse of excess materials in urban contexts". Before that I got an MA in Scientific and Cultural Dissemination from Labjor at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil, acquired with a dissertation about networked experimental labs.