Christian Zöllner

Founder, Art Director, Time Machine Operator
Christian Zöllner beugt sich über ein DJ Pult. Im Hintergrund sind rauschige Grafiken zu sehen. Das Bild ist schwarzweiß
Foto/Bild Credit
Armin Riedel

Christian Zöllner is an interdisciplinary working designer and educator in the fields of computational design, speculative design and social design. Since 2018 he is professor for experimental design methods at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design. He worked in design studios in Paris and Vienna before he founded the crossdisciplinary media art collective VR/Urban in Berlin. He teached at the Rietveld Academy Amsterdam, HUST Wuhan in China and at the University of the Arts in Berlin.  Beside his academic activities he runs the design and research studio The Constitute together with Sebastian Piatza. Works of The Constitute have been exhibited worldwide in Institutions such as MoMA New York, Medialab Prado Madrid, Quanzhou Media Biennale and Zeche Zollverein Essen.

Christian Zöllner is chairman of the non-profit Fabmobil Association which brings creative technologies to young people in decentralized rural areas in East Germany. He is member of the scientific board of the federal competence center for creative industries and works as a consultant for various cultural institutions.

Since 2020 he runs the Hurra Hurra Podcast on design education.