#rp24 speaker Mareice Kaiser: “Why I don't want to talk about care anymore”

16.04.2024 - When will the care revolution happen and what could it look like?
Mareice trägt eine Jeansjacke und schulterlange lockige Haare. Sie steht vor einer Betonwand.
Photo Credit
Jana Rodenbusch

Care work is invisible, often unpaid and socially devalued. Feminist authors have been writing and talking about this for years - including the freelance journalist and author Mareice Kaiser. However, the realities of care are only changing slowly:

“Caregivers have no lobby and often suffer from burnout, but nobody cares. The care workers get a weary applause on the balcony and a shower gel as a thank you. The facts about the unfair distribution of care work have been common knowledge since the coronavirus pandemic at the latest. But the unjust realities of care are changing too slowly.”

Mareice asks: “So where is the care revolution? What can it look like? Who should do what? And who might do nothing?” Her session at #rp24 will be all about this.

Mareice Kaiser scrolls, writes and speaks on justice issues. She was nominated for the German Reporter Award for her essay "Das Unwohlsein der modernen Mutter" (The modern mother's malaise), her book of the same name was published in 2021 and went straight onto the Spiegel bestseller list. In 2022, she was voted one of the top 10 German business journalists by medium magazin. Mareice has been working on the topic of care for more than ten years, focussing on inclusion and classism. This is also why her internet name is @mareicares.

Last year, Mareice spoke at re:publica about why not everyone can become Haftbefehl. We're really looking forward to her #rp24 session on the topic of care!


#WhoCares: An interview with Mareice Kaiser.

The Motto of re:publica 24 is „Who Cares?“. Whom or what are you currently caring about?

About my tax declaration. Well, the one from, um, a few years ago. Why is it so complicated and exhausting to lead an adult life! Nothing against taxes, they're actually great. But why do they have to be so complicated? And how much longer do we have to wait for taxing the rich?

What do we care about too little as a society?

To all the people we don't listen to, who remain invisible. For example, because they do so much care work that they don't have the energy to speak on stage. And because they are kept so small by the capitalist system that they are given the feeling: Your voice is worth nothing.

Warum ich nicht mehr über Care reden will

Mareice Kaiser

Care-Arbeit ist unsichtbar, oft unbezahlt und wird gesellschaftlich abgewertet. Darüber schreiben und sprechen feministische Autor*innen seit Jahren, seit Jahrzehnten. Die Care-Realitäten ändern sich aber nur schleppend. Wo bleibt die Care-Revolution und wie kann sie aussehen?
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