Collective Encounters with the River: Part 2

Jemma Woolmore, Nayeli Vega

Join Nayeli Vega and Jemma Woolmore in a collaborative making session to create narratives about water relationships. Explore the artists digital world building tools and methods as they guide you through the strategies they developed for their project Poetically Based Rendering, with introduction to open source or free tools for beginners.
Hands On

In Part 2 of 'Collective Encounters with the River' participants will be guided through the artist's methods and processes centering on the free texture generation tool Materialize and the application of these textures in Unity, a game engine platform.

Our aim is to show some of our current co-creation methods through these digital tools. A digital world previously built in the game engine Unity will be populated by water spirits made from ritual water objects used in Part1. To inhabit this virtual space, we will work collectively with participants to use the stories and textures generated in Part 1 and bring them to life as a group.

By doing this, we expect to realise speculative and collaborative ideas and above all to imagine and understand other ways of perceiving water bodies within cities, in this case, the Spree.

This is Part 2 of a two part workshop. Part 2 builds on the questions and responses explored in Part 1 by bringing these materials into a fictional, digital space. Participants are invited to join for Parts 1 & 2 but it is not necessary for engagement in one or the other, each part will function as a standalone workshop.