Linn Friedrichs

Assistant Director & Lecturer
Speaker smiling in front of city background.

As an educator who works at the intersection of administrative leadership, undergraduate teaching, and research on the various phenomena of globalizing higher education, Linn is convinced that our schools and universities hold the key to the urgent social change we need. Beruf ist Berufung: She spends most of her time thinking about ways in which a reimagined education can empower scholars and young professionals to become agents of social change in increasingly polarizing social environments.

Linn received her Ph.D. from the John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin with a dissertation on "Global Curriculum Development – Reimagining the Core of U.S. American Undergraduate Education." As New York University Berlin’s Assistant Director, she oversees all areas of student services, health, safety, career and leadership education. She is a member of the NYU Berlin Inclusion, Diversity, Belonging, and Equity (IDBE) Council and teaches a course on “Experiential Learning,” which integrates student learning with the work of several local organizations in the fields of climate research, refugee support, sustainable communication, and the arts.


Vom Pisa-Schock zu einem Anfang des KI-gestützten Lernens, wie wir es uns wünschen

Doris Weßels, Linn Friedrichs

Vom PISA-Schock hin zu mutigen Lösungen für die Zukunft der Bildung: Die Paneldiskussion mit Schüler*innen und Akteur*innen der Wissenschaft, Praxis und Bildungspolitik analysiert die strukturellen Ursachen der Krise und entwickelt Zukunftsszenarien für den Neustart der Bildung im Zeitalter KI.
Stage 8