Anna-Maija Mertens

Managing Director Transparency International Germany
Profilbild von Dr. Mertens
Photo credit / Image credit
Transparency International Deutschland

Dr. Anna-Maija Mertens is the Executive Director of Transparency International Germany. She has a background in political sciences, economics, and history; she holds a PhD in International Politics with a focus on international and national political decision-making, and the political legitimacy of these decision-making systems. Before joining  Transparency Germany, Anna-Maija was Director of the Finnish Institute in Berlin with the objective to strengthen the collaboration between Finland and the German speaking countries in Europe. Anna-Maija has initiated and led projects on science-business cooperation, both as a consultant for ministries, universities, and companies and as a university staff member. Anna-Maija teaches political sciences and anti-corruption in both English and German at the University of Erfurt, and at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.