Ousia Assiongbon Foli-Bebe

Executive Manager EcoTec Lab MakerSpace (Togo)
Ousia A. Foli-Bebe
Photo credit / Image credit

Ousia A. FOLI-BEBE is a Togolese innovator and co-designer of the ventilator and face shield made in Togo for the COVID-19 pandemic response. Founder of #EcoTecLab MakerSpace, a space dedicated to innovation, He assists entrepreneurs in their product design and innovation process through his expertise in Design Thinking and rapid prototyping of products and services. He also assists development aid organizations in the Design thinking process for digitization projects. He also co-designed and built the “MoLab” a mobile STEAM education laboratory. With the Molab he has been spreading STEAM and sparking genius in togolese youth from towns to villages in Togo.


Building Bridges: Soldering for Climate Change Awareness

Ousia Assiongbon Foli-Bebe, Friederike Fröbel, Adjovi Eyram Victoire TSAMEDI, Seti AFANOU, Carina Lange

The workshop aims to draw attention to the multi-faceted impacts of climate change by mediating knowledge through a hands-on approach with DIY electronics in which we solder LEDs on a custom circuit board and thereby learn about the various regions of Togo in sub-Saharan West Africa.
Hands On