Yves Moreau

Professor of Bioinformatics
Prof. Yves Moreau, Bioinformatics, University of Leuven, Belgium
Photo credit / Image credit
Lies Willaert

Bioinformatician Yves Moreau is a professor of engineering science at the University of Leuven. He leads in AI applications for DNA analysis, engineering algorithms ensuring privacy in large-scale data analyses. Moreau advocates for robust ethical standards in sensitive data handling, engaging in public debates and opposing genetic surveillance technologies. He shares his expertise with journalists, activists, and others, promoting ethical awareness among data scientists crucial in the era of AI and mass surveillance. In 2023, he received the €200,000 Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research for his strong commitment to upholding ethical standards. His advocacy for ethnic minority data privacy was recently covered by international media like The Guardian and the BBC.
