re:publica Global Perspectives

01.06.2022 - Im Diskurs zur Zukunft von digitalen Technologien wollen wir verschiedenen Perspektiven und Stimmen aus der ganzen Welt eine Bühne zu geben.
Participants of the session "Ask Me Anything About Technopolit(r)ic(k)s" with speaker Nanjira Sambuli at re:publica 2019
Stefanie Loos / re:publica

Im Diskurs zur Zukunft von digitalen Technologien, sehen wir es als unsere Verantwortung, verschiedenen Perspektiven und Stimmen aus der ganzen Welt eine Bühne zu geben. Wir möchten kritische Fragen zur Digitalisierung stellen, unterschiedliche Meinungen diskutieren und Ideen zur digitalen Zukunft in einer globalisierten Welt skizzieren. Wie können digitale Innovationen und Politik auf globaler Ebene nachhaltig und gerecht gestaltet werden? Wo werden Entscheidungen getroffen und wen beeinflussen diese Entscheidungen langfristig? Wer erhält Zugang zu digitalen Werkzeugen – und wer nicht?

Im Rahmen der Global Perspectives Initiative haben wir Aktivist*innen, Politiker*innen und Journalist*innen aus dem Globalen Süden zur re:publica 22 eingeladen, um mit uns genau diese Fragen aufzugreifen und zu diskutieren.

Ein großer Dank gilt an dieser Stelle auch unseren Kooperationspartnern der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, der Robert Bosch Stiftung und dem Verein Global Innovation Gathering!

Dürfen wir vorstellen? Die diesjährigen Sessions der re:publica Global Perspectives Initative:


Meet the AfricaLaw Tech Festival!

Fadia Elgharib, Linda Bonyo

The African LawTech Festival is on tour this year learning about digital policies in Europe and is looking forward to meeting you at re:publica and discussing how new civil society alliances around digital policies can be formed between Africa and Europe! 

Tech Policy in Africa: A Conversation with Linda Bonyo and Frederike Kaltheuner

Linda Bonyo, Frederike Kaltheuner

In this session, Frederike Kaltheuner and Linda Bonyo will discuss characteristics, influences and approaches around Tech Policy in Africa. It is going to cover core questions, looking at different approaches to Data Governance, Digital Rights, policy making for new technologies and competition regulation. 

Data Power! Citizen-generated data to reduce inequalities

Gilberto Vieira

We are held hostage by large corporations, without sovereignty or autonomy in the face of the vast amount of data we produce on a daily basis. It is urgent to map insurgencies and potentiate them as they propose new ways of living and resisting in the era of data coloniality. Let´s discuss how to generate data in a citizen way and reclaim power!

Hacking Data for a Better Life

Gilberto Vieira

To whom does data belong? For whom is it most or least accessible? How can data be made more visible, so that it can create new narratives that permit the development of basic community rights? In this session we will discuss how the idea of data sovereignty can work disputing the narrative around surveillance and data capitalism.

Democratizing Future Literacies to Transform the World

Gabriela Agustini

Imagining desirable futures is a way of working to solve social problems and allowing new solutions to emerge in society. In this session, understand actions that have been taken in Brazil, involving the fight against racism, the empowerment of the elderly and other problems that require the construction of new images of the future to be mitigated.
Hands On

Sustainability, Accountability and Power: What Remote Work Means for the Gig Economy Emissions

Emilio Velis

This workshop will discuss how learning about the digital services footprint can empower workers from the Internet gig economy in developing countries to act toward the reduction of Internet emissions. Critically reflecting on sustainability in digital services must begin by including those who experience the effects of climate change the most.
Hands On

Using State Machinery to Fight Internet Shutdowns

Radhika Jhalani

This session will focus on the growing trend of Internet shutdowns across the world. It will cover methods to fight against shutdowns ranging from advocacy, litigation and government push. By drawing on Ukraine as a case study, it will discuss the impact these shutdowns are having on citizens.
Live Übersetzung

The Creation of "Digital Illiteracy": How Platforms Favour Disinformation and Hate Speech

Aye Min Thant

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and features editor for Frontier Myanmar, Aye Min Thant, is going to speak about platforms and their creation of the"digitally illiterate user". She is going to focus on how this unfolds in Myanmar, but also how these dynamics replicate disinformation, information silos, and hate speech around the world.