Maker in Residence Meetup

Witness Shangali, Asem Kamal, Joseph Orya, Leonard Shayo, Jafsia Elisee, Fabienne Kirchhof, Kirstin Wiedow, Martine Basaninyange

In this session we will meet with six African Makers before they embark on their one month long residency in different Makerspaces located in five different European cities.


What does a  makerspace residency mean between Africa and Europe? Join this session to meet 6 African makers embarking on a month long residency across Europe.

A global meet up of makers working on the reality of residencies across the world. The conversation will delve deeper into the future of Maker changes and question supporting policies, government and donor involvement, project topics across 6 practical residencies kicking-off across Europe in June with 6 African makers and open the floor to the participants to discuss, plan and explore.

Makers from Nigeria, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt and Cameroon will co-host a global meetup to share their stories as they prepare to journey to 6 European makerspaces. The conversation will delve deeper into the reality of global exchanges and residencies  alongside carving out supporting mechanisms and the future of the maker movement.

facilitation photo
education coordinator
My profile picture
Foto Fabienne Kirchhof
Project Management Consultant
Kirstin Lisa Wiedow
Partnerships and Community and Co-lead of the mAkE project, Project Tolocar