We proudly present: The Stage Hosts of re:publica x Reeperbahn Festival

12.09.2023 - Meet the people who will guide you through the re:publica programme in Hamburg!
Stage Hosts der #rpRBF
Photo Credit
Johanna Wittig, Pascal Possler, Richard Brand, Andreas Pein, Joanna Legid, Giovanni Mafrici, Hannah Birr/Agentur J&K

Over 90 sessions and more than 180 speakers on four stages: A total of seven stage hosts will guide you through the re:publica programme so that you can keep track of everything on the two days of the event in Hamburg.

When we open the #rpRBF on Friday 22 September, Maria Popov will guide you through the programme in the Neo House. Duygu Ağal will welcome you in the Spiegelzelt and Pascal Possler in the Hangar.

On Saturday, Julia Boxler will take over in the Neo House, Ajselj Bekir in the Spiegelzelt and Jöran Muuß-Merholz and Richard A. Brand in the Hangar.

We are looking forward to two fantastic days with you and would like to thank all stage hosts and moderators of #rpRBF!


Portrait von Ajselj Bekir
Educator & Entrepreneur 
Portraitfoto von Richard Brand
Moderator & Trainer
Duygu steht entschlossenen und schaut dezent melancholischen Blickes direkt in die Kamera. Seine*Ihre Schulter ist leicht weggedreht von dem*der Beobachter*in.
Moderator:in & Autor:in
portrait of Julia Boxler
X3 Podcast, Arte Tracks East, Regisseurin, Speakerin, Moderatorin