re:publica Hamburg
19th-21st September 2024
Reeperbahn Festival | Heiligengeistfeld
Art & Culture
Immersive, interactive and creative: Let's dive into the interplay of technology with art and culture. Bits and bytes are constantly expanding the possibilities of expression, while the rapid development of AI is turning many former cornerstones of art and creativity upside down.
What challenges does digitalisation present for creatives in art and design? What new opportunities do text, image, and sound generators offer, and what problems do they bring along? From the metaverse and memes to museums, TikTok and touchscreens to theatres, Discord to data visualisation: we want to explore how digital advancements are transforming internet culture, studios, cultural industries and institutions.
We also want to know: How can art and culture contribute to contemporary discourses? How can creatives and activists change our world (or at least our view of it) by generating new perceptions, experiences, and encounters? What are these so-called new realities? And: who cares in the field of art and culture?
Kunst und Demenz: Wie ein digitales Format Begegnungen schafft
Soundtrack unserer Jugend: Musikgeschichte zum Streamen
Kristian Costa-Zahn, Joanna Gawronska, Collien Ulmen-Fernandes , Pune Djalilevand