re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025

Thomas Gegenhuber is the head of the Linz Institute of Transformative Change at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz. Thomas researches sustainable transformation (e.g., open social innovation bringing together various societal sectors to tackle grand challenges), and digital transformation (e.g., novel forms of organizing such as platforms). Thomas’ work appears in outlets such as Human Relations, Business & Society, Government Information Quarterly and Stanford Social Innovation Review. He also holds an editorial board position at the journal Information & Organization and is visiting researcher for Digital Transformation at the Leuphana University Lüneburg.
Thomas is a frequent speaker at academic as well as practitioner-oriented conferences. Dedicated to contribute to transformation processes , he engages with a variety of stakeholders (e.g. companies, NGOs, etc.). For instance, he served as an expert advisor for the 3rd gender equality report of the German Federal Government, which focuses on digitalization.