Vaginas care

Sarah Covak

Two abstract vagina drawings stylized as interfaces with input elements and their respective output. While vagina function #1 depicts the status quo of care work and the dynamics of capitalist (re)production, vagina function #2 illustrates approaches to more just and inclusive economies of care.
Off Stage
Example of an abstract vagina

The two vaginas have a physical as well as symbolic component. Physical because they are stylized as computer interfaces, emphasizing how female genitals are commodified as merchandise, serving both male pleasure and human (re)production. Their symbolic aspect is described by input and output elements arranged on each side, respectively, with arrows pointing towards the vagina (input) and away from it (output). The I/O elements describe various aspects of caring.

Each vagina represents one algorithm, in the form of a flow chart, containing the variables constituting the underlying structures of distributed care work in today’s capitalist patriarchal society. For instance, passing through the first vagina interface, the input changes by means of vagina function #1 – the input variable 'sperm' may have the output 'children', or 'X hours domestic work' may have the output 'burnout'.

Like a Before/After comparison, the second vagina illustrates a transformation of society and economy with a more balanced distribution of care work, one which is equal, gender neutral and inclusive. Vagina function #2 will hence render an entirely different, more positive output.

Self-employed author, journalist, mathematician