Christoph Bieber

Professor für Politikwissenschaft
Profilbild von Christoph Bieber
Photo credit / Image credit
CAIS_Michael Schwettmann

Prof. Dr. Christoph Bieber is a professor of political science at the NRW School of Governance, University of Duisburg-Essen (currently on leave). The position is funded by the Johann-Wilhelm-Welker-Stiftung, and the main area of research is ethics in political management and society. Since April 2019, Bieber works as a research professor at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies in Bochum (CAIS) with the research programme Digital Democratic Innovations, focusing on the following research areas: Digitalisation and democracy, elections and election campaigns, ethics and responsibility in politics, transparency and public communication. His dissertation thesis on Political Projects on the Internet: Computer-Mediated Communication and the Political Public Sphere was published in 1999. He has published widely on the effects of online communication for political actors. His books include Nach Obama (with Klaus Kamps, 2017), Unter Piraten. Erkundungen in einer neuen politischen Arena (ed. with Claus Leggewie, 2012) and Politik digital. Online zum Waehler (2010). On Twitter he is known as @drbieber.


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Christoph Neuberger, Jessica Heesen, Christoph Bieber, tba

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