Paulina Zybinska

Research Associate
Paulina Zybinska portait
Photo credit / Image credit
Regula Bearth

Paulina Zybinska (Krata), is a creative technologist deeply engaged in coding, interactive installations, VJing, and machine learning. She holds a firm belief that the ever-expanding domain of AI will significantly shape societal perspectives on creativity and the conscious behaviours linked with it. Throughout her academic pursuits at ZHdK, Paulina delves into the influence of self-compassion in mental therapy through the utilisation of Deepfake technology. She perceives the act of synthesising "fakeness" as a prospective method for enhancing self-perception, provided it's employed within a regulated and secure setting.


KI in der Kunst. Drei kreative Positionen aus der Schweiz.

Manuel Flurin Hendry, Marc Lee, Paulina Zybinska, Raphael Rogenmoser

Drei Kunstschaffende aus der Schweiz, die KI künstlerisch nutzen und zugleich kritisch reflektieren, sind uns als wichtige Stimmen in der öffentlichen Debatte aufgefallen. Ihnen bieten wir eine Plattform, um über die gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen von KI-Systemen zu reflektieren.
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