Bits & Bäume Journal L[a]unch and 5-Year-Anniversary MeetUp

Patricia Jankowski, Marja Lena Hoffmann, Victor Lange, Anja Höfner

We invite new and old friends to celebrate Bits & Bäume, as we launch our new journal on sustainable digitalisation AND look back to 5 years of connecting tech and environmental communities. Join us for our ‹launch over lunch› with warm toasts (both verbal and vegan) and engaging conversations about visions for a sustainable digital society.

Join us as we come together to celebrate two milestones: the release of our new publication and the fifth anniversary of the Bits & Bäume* movement After toasts were raised, we invite you to network and build connections with like-minded individuals and organisations, that share a passion for sustainability, technology, and the vision of a different future. Immerse yourself in stimulating conversations about ideas, concepts, and projects over some vegan snacks.

As main act of the celebration, we will launch and introduce our new journal ‹Shaping digital transformation for a sustainable society- Contributions from Bits & Bäume›: a comprehensive collection of research, insights, and constructive solutions on the intersection of digitalisation and sustainability. With each digital page turned, you will discover inspiring articles and thought-provoking contributions. 

Whether you are new to Bits & Bäume or a seasoned expert, whether you just want to take a look at our journal or set up your own Bits & Bäume regional group, there will be topics and opportunities to suit your needs. We encourage guests to bring their own projects and theses, fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment where ideas can flourish. We look forward to meeting you!

*About us:
Since the first Bits & Bäume conference in 2018, we have been connecting the tech community (‹Bits›) and the environmental community (‹Bäume›) to discuss two of the most existential challenges of the 21st century: Sustainability and Digitalisation. We bring these issues together by raising questions such as ‹How can the digital society be shaped democratically and just?› or ‹How can it be geared towards preserving our livelihoods on this planet?›. As an active community with a growing number of regional groups and conferences, we thrive on the diverse backgrounds and interests of our members. To learn more about our visions, take a look at our political demands 2022:

Foto von Patricia
Projektmanagerin Nachhaltigkeit & Digitalisierung
Marja Lena Hoffmann
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Me leaning on a Geländer at the Spree
Root Analysis - Branch Management - Leaf Development