Cash or cashless? Who cares! It’s about how money and the finance industry can be a catalyst for the sustainability transformation.

David Lais, Lubomila Jordanova, Lesley Li, Alexander Langer

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In the last few years, financial service providers have increasingly been constrained to adapt to the new kid on the block: climate change. 

Yet a new banking era is on the rise and most still fail to see the role and, frankly, the gold mine the financial sector is sitting on when it comes to achieving an effective sustainability transformation.
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'Money makes the world go round' goes the age-old adage. Yet as scientific knowledge and public awareness of environmental issues has increased, governments and businesses alike have had to consider and adapt to the new kid on the block: climate change. 

Implementing new  regulations and adapting to the risks of climate change whilst trying to keep their customers engaged has tested the  resilience of many businesses - especially those working in finance.  

Yet what most still fail to see is the potential of the finance sector to act as a catalyst for the much-needed sustainability transformation. And most importantly: the massive impact the industry can have on the environment, the economy and us individuals. 

This panel will therefore offer a deep dive into the role of the finance industry in guiding the sustainability transformation. In order to do so, the following three questions will be discussed:  

  1. Why is the finance industry best suited to lead the sustainability transformation?  
  1. How can the finance sector enable long-lasting environmental sustainability? 
  1. What are the current execution challenges and how can they be overcome?  
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