PRESENTO MORI - 9 presentation principles that could save your life

Marcus John Henry Brown

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Presento Mori isn't a keynote about death - it's about life, thriving and finding more effective ways of conquering the hardest soft skill that no one bothered to teach us: presenting. Funny, emotional, urgent and packed with anecdotes, facts, as well as tips and tricks for anyone who's looking to get good at presenting living a happier life.

One June night Marcus John Henry Brown was rushed into the hospital with severe chest pains. A mere four days after his rp22 performance The Hustle Royale. It was a warning shot that forced him to reconsider the way he was living and what had caused the stress that put him in the hospital in the first place: a PowerPoint presentation. What started out as a warning shot turned into nine principles that he thinks could save your life.

Presento Mori explores the lessons, the failures and the triumphs that put Marcus in that hospital bed. In this brand-new keynote, Marcus reveals the nine principles that have kept him out of the hospital, and kept him happy, successful, and helping business folks from all sectors thrive in front of all kinds of audiences. 

Covering everything from imposter syndrome, stage fright, the creative process and fitness, Presento Mori is a swearyingly stoic keynote that gives audiences a set of simple tools to radically improve not only their presentations but also their lives.