Hans-Günther Döbereiner

Professor of Physics
photo of HG Döbereiner
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HG Döbereiner is a  Professor for Biological Physics at Universität Bremen. He is a speaker of  FAIR Digital Objects für Deutschland, a consortium for the renewal of data infrastructure. FDO4DE unites the German chapter of the FDO Forum, DIN eV , and a number of  German universities and independent institutes in their quest to introduce a new universal data standard globally. We are aiming to built the necessary IT infrastructure and establish a European Agency to run and administer the developing integrated data space. The FDO Forum is the  international group of scientists and infrastructural experts who have worked out specifications as presented in the Leiden declaration at FDO2022.org for the upcoming FDO standard to be worked out by Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN). The data standard shall apply to all sections of state including industry and general economy, science, public administration and society at large. It will drive digital transformation both on the infrastructural level as well as by structuring whole complex data spaces. HG Döbereiner and his colleagues are working to unravel the nature of information as one rises through the hierarchies of nature.