Iñigo Puerta Uranga

Freelance Idustrial Designer
Inigo Puerta Studio Logo
Foto/Bild Credit
By Iñigo Puerta Uranga

Hi, I'm Iñigo, an Industrial Designer and Maker based in the Netherlands, with a focus on R&D of products produced with emerging sustainable and digital manufacturing methods. Through a thorough study of the industrial production processes, I give an outcome to industrial waste streams. I am dedicated to promoting more circular, regenerative, and evenly distributed ideas.

My passion is around the physical objects, their hardware, and their craft. How it feels, how it's used, how it looks... I am a lover of the physical world. If I could, I'd spend all day in the workshop, searching for new solutions.


Found Objects: transform CNC wood waste into valuable materials and products

Paola Zanchetta, Iñigo Puerta Uranga

From FabLabs to commercial production, digital fabrication tools such as CNC routers provide a dynamic way to produce custom objects with few restrictions in shape. However, this freedom also generates waste. Learn how to transform wood waste into valuable materials and products with Found Objects.
Hands On