Michael Zöller

CTO, Producer, Co-Founder
A picture of Michael speaking into a mic at a conference.
Photo credit / Image credit

This is what ChatGPT says about me: "Hey there! 👋

I'm Michael Zöller, a Leipzig-based CTO, Producer, and Co-Founder of ROTxBLAU. I'm all about using games as a lens for exploring society's complexities—think social realism meets thought-provoking gameplay. When I'm not lost in code or organizing cultural events, you'll find me delving into topics like trauma, transgenerational transmission, and the power of silence in families. Let's chat games, art, and everything in between at re:publica!

🎮🎨 #GodotEngine #SocialRealism #OpenSource"


Why should I care about the Holocaust? Neue Zugänge mit digitalen Spielen

Miriam Menzel, Michael Zöller, Tabea Widmann, Markus Bassermann

Fortnite-Museum, Digital Remembrance Game & neue Indie-Titel: Digitale Spiele mit Bezug zum Holocaust richten sich an breite Zielgruppen. Wie verändern sie die digitale Erinnerungskultur? Und wie gelingt es, dem Thema gerecht zu werden ohne Abstriche bei Lebensweltbezügen & Interaktivität zu machen?
Stage 11