Could decolonial approach in AI help overcome the homogenous technological narratives?

allapopp, HAU Hebbel am Ufer

Could decolonial approach towards AI help challenge homogenous narratives around technology reproduced in art and media? Driven with expanding Trans-Soviet discourse on decoloniality, allapopp looks at potentials in shifting the narrative, reshaping technology imagination and fostering new visions.
Stage 8

Join allapopp in a discussion exploring how a decolonial approach towards AI and its incorporation in art practices might challenge and shift the homogenous technological narratives. This lightning talk will dissect the role of AI in perpetuating mainstream tech narratives and explore their self-proficiency. Inspired with the expanding Decolonial AI discourse, we’d look at its potential for art practices, which incorporates understanding of AI as material, extractivist and unintelligent. We'll explore how this approach could contribute to the emerging dialog on Trans-Soviet decolonisation, and its historical and cultural impact on technological envisioning and world building. Finally, we'll consider how conceptual AI frameworks, informed by the perspectives of Trans-Soviet ethnic minorities and indigenous nations, could help break the cycle of homogeneity in technological envisioning, shifting narratives and paving the way for new outlooks and hopes.