Creators and artists, unite!

Eric Eitel, Magdalena Ziomek, Ela Kagel, Sheree Domingo, Lisa Mangold, Kirsten Grebasch

Facing potentially disruptive developments alone can be frustrating and scary. Together you are stronger! That's why this meetup will feature various associations of artists and creatives - from unions to collectives to cooperatives to DAOs - who will share how to make the most of the new world of AI and Web3 technologies for their members.

Creative workers are often one-person shows, earning their money as freelancers. This makes it difficult to influence social and technological change. Doesn't it? At the meetup, we want to discuss different forms of collective organisation for artists and creatives, identify best practices and form new alliances - from DAOs to trade unions.

Portrait von Ela Kagel mit grauem Jacket und grünem T-Shirt vor einem Mikrofon
Managing Director
Sheree Domingo Selbstporträt mit angeschnittenem Hundekopf
Co-Founder/ Comiczeichnerin
Portraitaufnahme von Lisa Mangold, weiße Person, kurze Haare, unter 40.
Bereichsleitung Kunst und Kultur in ver.di