Decolonize Tech - How to design for all

Christoph Hassler

The promises of Silicon Valley, to innovate for a better future have failed. Let’s discuss the state of current tech and design best practices and take a look at more inclusive and pluralistic viewpoints, inspired by practitioners outside of the dominant western paradigm. 
Stage 3

It seems inevitable that AI reproduces discriminatory stereotypes, that social networks only help to polarize instead of building community, and that every step tech leaders are taking to innovate gets exposed as a money-making scheme just one or two years later. When looking at the state of technology and its impact on society, most of us are worried. Especially since it seems like we are running out of options. The Western canon of enlightenment philosophy, modernism, capitalism, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurship created a dominant but restrictive set of world views, and we need to broaden our horizons and overcome centuries of colonial supremacy to accept that there are things to learn from the global majority. Those whose ways of life have been ridiculed and silenced. We now need the full spectrum of human knowledge, experience, and perspectives if we want to achieve successful system change in order to save what can still be saved and produce a technology that can be a tool to benefit all.

The picture shows a light skinned black man, with close cropped hair and beard. He has broad shoulders and wears a white T-Shirt. He stands infront of a wall.
DEI Consultant and Inclusive Designer