Christoph Hassler

he / him
DEI Consultant and Inclusive Designer
The picture shows a light skinned black man, with close cropped hair and beard. He has broad shoulders and wears a white T-Shirt. He stands infront of a wall.
Foto/Bild Credit
Tobias Carl

Christoph has been working as a designer in the field of digital products since the early 2000s, centering humanity in his work. His most recent topics of concern are the decolonization of technology, as well as the risks and opportunities that increasing digitization entails for the marginalized. He works as a freelance designer and consultant in the area of Inclusion and works as a product lead for a social start-up. 


"Atypisch" - Wie die Hamburger Polizei KI zur Verhaltensüberwachung einsetzt

Stefanie Stoppel, Christoph Hassler

Im Sommer 2023 testete die Polizei auf dem Hansaplatz ein KI-System zur Erkennung von "atypischem Verhalten" und lobte anschließend dessen Trefferrate von 92%. Doch wie aussagekräftig ist diese Zahl? In unserem Vortrag schauen wir hinter die Kulissen und trennen Fakten von Fiktion.
Neo House