Caring Societies in a Datafied World

Carolin Fischer, Paola Pierri

Who cares? WE do! We need to advance caring societies that involve many actors and new practices that are fit for the increasingly digitized era we live in. In this interactive session we explore i) what a caring society encompasses ii) how we can promote caring digital spaces in our datafied world.
Park Stage
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Care is an important paradox of our time. While humanity and what we consider as wellbeing are unthinkable without care, it tends to be neglected or sidelined as unprofitable. There is little doubt that today’s crisis-ridden world requires us to care more about care. But where do we start? Most theoretical and practical approaches to strengthening a caring society have been developed thinking about an analogue world. Now the challenge is to respond to the need of adapting them to our increasingly digitized lives. How can we advance care - both as a fundamental contribution and collective responsibility – in the digital space? Such big questions require us to seek ways of translating them into multiple forms of practical action. Our interactive session revolves around concrete approaches of promoting social, physical and digital spaces as constitutive elements of systemic change towards a caring society. Together with participants we will explore meanings of care in the digitized world and discuss how we can contribute to creating or expanding caring digital spaces.

Director of strategic thematic field "Caring Society"
Photo profile depicting a woman with short hair and glasses. There are flowers on a table in the background
Prof. Social Design and Deputy Head Institute of Design Research