Paola Pierri

Prof. Social Design and Deputy Head Institute of Design Research
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Paola Pierri is Professor of Social Design and Deputy Head of the Institute of Design Research at the University of the Arts in Bern She has a doctorate in Design Anthropology and specialises in Design and Anthropology of Technology with a particular research focus on the impact of digital technologies on societies and on democracy more broadly. Prior to her current role Paola has been Senior Researcher in Luzern, Director of Research at Democratic Society, Associate Professor at Polimi and Research Fellow at Weizenbaum Institute where she was researching on the topic of digital inequalities. Her research interest focuses on different elements of the connection between digital and democracy: from exploring modes of digital activism and participation, to investigating questions of justice and human rights that arise (or are exacerbated) as a result of the increased digitalisation of the public space.


Caring Societies in a Datafied World

Carolin Fischer, Paola Pierri

Who cares? WE do! We need to advance caring societies that involve many actors and new practices that are fit for the increasingly digitized era we live in. In this interactive session we explore i) what a caring society encompasses ii) how we can promote caring digital spaces in our datafied world.
Teilhabe & Zugang
Zukunft & Utopie
Park Stage
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