A New Era of CyberLove: Reimagining Porn Platform Regulation

Alexandra Keiner, Lisa Völzmann, Irma Mastenbroek, Alessandro Polidoro

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Imagine a future where big tech platforms no longer dominate our digital intimacy and desires. This panel presents the latest EU regulation on internet pornography, discovers the power of advocacy for digital governance, and explores further actions needed for responsible representation and privacy.

The European Commission designated Pornhub, Stripchat, and XVideos
as very large online platforms under the Digital Services Act (DSA),
requiring them to adhere to strict rules on content moderation, child
protection, and transparency. 

Oxford legal researcher Lisa Völzmann explains how the tech regulations
increase accountability in cyberspace and how the new obligatory
regular audits and data sharing with EU authorities are intended to help
contain image-based sexual abuse and deepfakes.

Learn from lawyer Alessandro Polidoro, who led an advocacy campaign
urging the European Commission to enforce the DSA in the porn tech
industry, after porn platforms under-reported their active monthly users to
avoid being designated.

Alexandra Keiner, a sociologist at the Weizenbaum Institute, discusses
the socio-economic impact of regulating the hidden economy of
pornography on business models, creators, and users.

Irma Mastenbroek, a researcher and activist in AI and Mathematics,
explores collaborative approaches to rebuild the sex-tech industry in a
safe and inclusive way that aligns with queer-feminist principles.