Saad Chinoy

Chief Geek
Saads profile photo
Foto/Bild Credit
Pawel Ngei

Saad is a professional geek with a passion for technology for good, critical making, and OpenSource methodology. Co founder of Singapore based Frugal Innovation startup, SpudnikLab, a PotatoProductions company that works to address the #digitalDivide through digital skills education and effective use of low-cost technologies. His Storytellers' Kitchen and EdibleMakerspace community initiatives bring together writers, illustrators, researchers, publishers, citizen scientists, and readers to demystify the complexity of smart-phone interactivity AR / VR / stop-motion animation through learning by doing.

In the non-commercial context, Saad initiated SalvageGarden the assistive technology makerspace that engages a community of makers, engineers, care givers, persons with disabilities, and care professionals towards the research and development of Assistive Tech devices and low-cost solutions.

Saad Also serves on the advisory boards of the Global Innovation Gathering, and r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation, and is a Community Council member for Global Open Science Hardware (GOSH).

Saad is a (recovering) coffee snob.